
Is Your Child a Crystalline Child?

***** It is important to know that labels while interesting and even validating at times, can also be damaging to children. All children are special, children of the One, of God, Creator, Source. Whatever name you want to call your sacred. Please use my words as guidance, not to set your child or the child of others aside. When I wrote this bullying wasn’t a social issue in the way it has become. Use this with care. Thank you with all my heart. ~ Dr. Meg

Check List for Recognizing Crystalline Children:

  • Eyes of crystal blue or very deep dark color. They will look at us as if we have known them forever – we have! Crystalline children are all over the earth. They aren’t limited to any race, color or nationality.
  • Great sensitivity to environment, the planet and the feelings of others
  • Extremely intuitive
  • Generally telepathic
  • Socially Conscious
  • Innate command of subtle energy
  • Think compartmentally
  • May appear very scattered in their attention but they don’t miss anything!
  • Extremely compassionate
  • Cannot abide conflict of any kind – take it personally
  • Wise beyond their years
  • Peacemakers
  • Natural healing abilities
  • Approximate age range begins with those born in 1997 or 1998 to present. (this is not set in concrete as there are some that are a little older than this)
  • Fragile – when their world becomes too uncomfortable they have a tendency to become sick with often unidentifiable sicknesses
  • Sweeping energy fields of jewel tones or pastel spectrums but have lightened over the years to very pale colors to a new and current generation of pure white.
  • Often remember past lives or their experiences between lives