What was, no longer matters. It is what we do with it that does.
In the heart of all chaos is pure elegance trying to find a way out
Diligence doesn't mean staying so focused on our task that we miss everything else
What was, isn't. What might be may be. What is, is reality.
Our connection to the One is never lost but often ignored
Money is Value. When we value ourselves the money will come.
We don't have to do everything alone. It is ok to ask for help and to accept it too
Look again at the obvious. It isn't what you think.
We are filled by our own grace, never that of another
We are only in the flow if we are receiving as much as we are giving
*We can only be heard if we are willing to be seen
The ability to hear is entirely dependent upon the willingness to listen
The difference between fantasy and reality is whether or not you act
Recognizing and admitting to dysfunction is 80% of the cure
Often what feels ominous to us is simply something we can't comprehend
The only way a door will open is if we walk toward it and turn the handle
The power of suggestion is only that when falling on open ears
An expectation is a disappointment waiting to happen
Reality is nothing more than our beliefs becoming our experience
The true transition is life on earth. The rest is forever.
Hurricanes are always followed by clarity and calm
The sacrifices we make are usually about someone else
There is nothing new in this world, only variations of truth.
The harmonies of life create a symphony of experience.
We usually recognize eloquence when the words spoken carry truth
Stillness only comes when we stop running from ourselves
We can blame whomever whenever but ultimately the diligence was to have been ours
Mindlessness is the key to everything that is not of this world
Loneliness is directly relevant to how comfortable we are with our own company
Questions cannot be answered until we live them
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.