Building confidence only proves that we are still trying to fit in. The only reason we think we don't have it is because we listened to everyone else in the first place.
Perceptions are an imaging system that human beings utilize in such a way as to define experience. In order to change the experience, one has only to change the perception.
When we know ourselves intimately, to even the deepest of places, and accept who we are then our secrets from ourselves are gone leaving nothing inside of us that anyone else can hurt
When something is out of truth, our bodies tell us before anything else does. We tense, hold our breath, feel it in our solar plexus. Maybe we should listen
We are created of all things and all things are created of us; therefore, there can be no thing and no one lesser or greater that us. We are an integral part of the living One.
While revenge may seem sweet in the moment, its after effects as our act ripples outward then back again can come back to bite us. What seemed sweet in its moment can become toxic to us.
To be wise isn't something we learn, it is what we become when we realize when we can depersonalize our perceptions and embrace the broader scope of things
Too much stress means that we are doing too much of what everyone else wants and not enough of what we want or that we are not being true to our knowing
Your true self, created of the One, has nothing to gain or lose because it knows its own perfection. All else is created from a frightened ego impossibly seeking to be the only One...
Intelligence only serves to define. Beyond intelligence is the realization that definition is impossible as truth has infinite facets and cannot be contained by definition.
The ego is only what we have been given by others to measure that which we are. The ego tells us if we are doing well or not based upon previous experience… and it is generally lying!
Coming full circle is in one sense completion, another starting over, another Karma and yet in it all, an opportunity to start fresh with a clean slate.
If you find yourself in constant motion, or feeling a need to fill silence with your voice, ask yourself, “what am I avoiding”, then be still and listen. Feel deeply.
No amount of mentality or cyclic thinking leads to truth. Resolution is only an illusion for satisfaction of the ego and truth cannot be limited by definition
The walls we construct will withstand our imagined enemies as well as our worst enemy ~ ourselves, as well as restrict the depth of all our relationships. They are unnecessary.
Taking back the power. If we give our power to others because we think that for some reason they are better, smarter, whatever than us, soon we have lost ourselves in their shadows.
Whatever destination you have set is a journey which begins and ends with you. It is a travel of your imaginings that has no boundaries except those which you alone place in your road.
Success has everything to do with outcomes and little to do with the process. It takes a vision, action and complete faith that the vision is already a reality.
What if we lived from the perspective that we are whole and well, perfect in every way instead of having a life to heal? If we believe we are broken then we are.
Illness is not some separate enemy to conquer, but rather part of a physical experience. That being said, we cannot lot go of what we have not yet owned...
Look with the eyes of your soul, interpret with the love of your heart, act without reason but instead with intention, and live every moment with passion.
Mistakes don't happen: Guilt does. When we realize that, our mistakes are only opportunities to do something different, the guilt has nowhere to go but gone
We can wonder infinitely how something would have been if only, or we can live largely and go for it when opportunities come up! Why spend the energy wondering when we can LIVE?
Achievement means we must accomplish something to establish our value. Our value is already priceless and infinite. There is no need to prove anything to anyone.
If yesterday we regretted and tomorrow we worry about, today is our opportunity to heal the past and to set up a perfect future... and it all happens in this now.
Affirmations only tell us what we already know. They keep us stuck in that place only. We know who we are. We know what we want. Why not just go there and stop repeating ourselves?
Be sure that when you think you can't it is actually your own voice telling you so and not some old tape playing. If it is you why can't you? BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
Embarrassment is nothing more than having a lack of humor about ourselves. When we have the ability to laugh first, the game is over and no damage done
Each of us is but a drop within the integral One, that drop being the cohesion amongst all aspects of reality. We are most powerful. Without us nothing else exists...
Innocence isn't childishness or ignorance or naivety. Innocence is authenticity and curiosity being undefended from the purest of joys and leading from the heart.
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.