You have the power that by changing your experience in this now to change your infinite experience as a being.
Brilliance isn’t a mental condition; it Is how we shine in relation to all that we choose
Neither Abstinence nor Indulgence are a way to balance. Balance is fullness of Now with no polarity. It just is.
Winning the race isn't as important as how well you pace yourself so that you know the way to the finish line
Generally speaking, our greatest difficulties come with not realizing the difference or sameness between us and the Divine.
Your life purpose isn’t a singular event for you to achieve; rather, every moment that you exist and how you live it
Abundance is value. If we don't give ourselves the value we deserve, neither do we give ourselves the abundance we so desire
Our secret desires need not be secret. It is better to live them loudly than to always wonder why we didn’t
Frustration is only a doorway to new and different possibilities. Once we get our foot out of the way the door opens easily.
Being spoiled means looking externally for the gratification we have forgotten how to give ourselves
The depth and amount of joy we experience are directly relative to how much we are willing to accept
When we criticize, it is only because someone has mirrored to us something that we have chosen not to recognize
Some disasters are just doors slamming firmly shut so that we can look toward something different
Be still and listen inwardly for there is our core truth. What we hear externally seeks to convince us otherwise
We become satisfied when we stop looking for what we think we need and become grateful for what is ours
Ease and Grace come only with willingness and participation in one's own state of being. No one else can give us that.
Infinite possibilities await you today and the only thing you need to take advantage of them is to notice
In any story, inconsistencies are a sure sign that the truth has been altered or is missing
In this now are you safe? Do you have everything that you need? Yes? Yes? Then what are you worrying about?
Focusing on the process does not create reality. Believing heart mind and soul that the outcome has already happened does
Stagnancy occurs when we wait for life to come to us. We can only experience life if we participate
You have the power to change your world to create whatever reality that you choose. Right Now.
Our inside and outside is like night and day. In the light we can see everything, but in the darkness all possibilities reside
To open to others is to fill the world and ourselves in ways that we had previously missed.
If we live within reason then we never experience why it was instilled upon us in the first place
The strength of our ability to move beyond the mundane is dependent upon our courage to do so.
The intensity and satisfaction of our experiences depends upon our willingness to have them
There are many ways to bleed. It is those injuries we can't see that often fester unattended.
Wanting something too badly compresses the energy of the one who desires until the wanted thing cannot possibly exist.
Grass is beautiful when it grows upon the earth but when it grows around our feet for too long we can't move. Embrace life today!
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.
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