Interview Archives
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Dr. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak talk with Dr. Meg about the Pyramids!
Show Date: May 7th, 2008
Dr. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak talk with Dr. Meg about the Pyramids!
JAMES J. HURTAK, Ph.D., Ph.D. is a social scientist, futurist and author of the best_seller, The Book of Knowledge:The Keys of Enoch® and his latest book The End of Suffering which twice hit 44 on the best-seller list. He and his wife, DESIREE HURTAK, MS.Sc., are founders of The Academy For Future Science,. They have also co-authored The Pistis Sophia: Text and Commentary. The Hurtaks are well-known for their research, their music, as well as their graphic films and animation on consciousness exploration entitled Merkabah (1997), Initiation (2002) and The Light Body (2004). They have also done extensive research in Egypt and are currently involved with exploratory research in the Yucatan using acoustic technologies in the ancient pyramids and temples of the Mayan peoples, incorporating sacred music and ancient expressions.
Continuum Radio is on hiatus while Dr. Meg completes her new book.