
Is Your Child a Child of the Stars?

Check List for Recognizing Star Kids

  • High or extreme intelligence often but not limited to areas of the sciences
  • Greatly sensitive to their environment
  • Major sensitivity to the energies and emotions of other people
  • Compartmental thinking; able to process multiple subjects or bits of information at the same time without being confused
  • Multi-dimensionally aware
  • Physically smaller than many children their age
  • Enhanced psychic abilities, the ability to harness bio-energetics (subtle energy fields found in and around the body)
  • The ability to use earth and cosmic forces to heal
  • Ease in telepathic and intuitive linking with others and with Source Consciousness.
  • Star Kids often affect electronics or other electrical items. They are known to cause street lamps (especially the amber sodium vapor type) to go out when they walk by. This is due to the influence of their body's bioelectric field, which has been "amped-up" as a result of contact with the Star Visitors.
  • Telepathy (mental communication)
  • Precognition (knowing the future)
  • Telekinesis (moving objects by changing their relationship within reality)
  • Clairvoyance/remote viewing (mentally and accurately seeing things distant in space or time)
  • "Downloading" information from non local realities
  • Penetrating intuitiveness (just "knowing" things without being told)
  • Remote-influencing others (telepathically) 
  • Learning about another's health, intentions, motivations etc., by “reading” the energy field surrounding them) to diagnose illness or malfunction within the energy fields
  • Psychic or bio-energetic healing
  • May disappear or reappear easily as if invisible
  • Teleportation (moving self or object from one locale to another by mental effort)
  • Levitation (rising from the ground defying gravity),
  • Ability to work outside of time causing events to occur rapidly or slowing them to an extreme.
  • Pre-sensitivity to imminent occurrences of earthquakes or other disasters
  • Inter-dimensional awareness,
  • Astral (out-of-body) travel
  • Channeling (Opening their consciousness in order to allow etheric beings to speak through them)
  • Shared consciousness (with a Star Visitor guide)
  • Operating in close mental connection with their Star Nation guides, and physically summoning and connecting with one's Star Nation Guides and other guardians.
  • Generally improved immunity systems or conversely strange illnesses with no apparent physical reason.
  • Lower basal temperature (for example, instead of 98.6 degrees F, a body temperature of 96.8 F, thus meaning that the body is consumed less rapidly by metabolic forces.)
  • Dynamic appearance and personalities
  • Commanding presence
  • Look younger than their years later in life (as do adult Starseeds).