Welcome to my Annual Gratitude Sale
Buy One Get One FREE Sessions and other Incredible Session Specials!
Dr. Meg
Each year I run this special to show appreciation to all of you who read my books, listen to my CD’s, come to classes. conferences, my interviews, traveled with me etc etc etc. all I can say is WOW! You are amazing! Meeting each of you gs been a highlight of my life! Without you I couldn’t have done it. I love you to pieces and send heartfelt thanks!
This past year in many ways far more than the years prior, my abilities have leaped to places I couldn’t have dreamed of and I experience the infinite in incredible ways. No veils, no boundaries, no restrictions. And a fuller, more complete array of symbols in the soul field. This is an OMG kind of session ~ anything can happen! I was recently introduced to a full education by the Masters all about the entire holograph structure of the Living Light Symbols arrays and what is happening in there. Also how and where our souls and our bodies remain connected. Truth? I was gobsmacked. A girl couldn’t possibly make this stuff up. In addition to all of that, I am gaining awareness of and experiencing vast new ways to help you. I am seeing immense changes. Through the change... access also comes phenomenal possibilities and skills. Information I couldn’t have imagined until now, different and greater ways to help. It seems like everything I do has expanded, and new options and areas “out there” continue to open up to greater possibilities. I have learned how to accurately locate and address things in past lives that may be affecting our now. The details are mind boggling and clear. Now to find the signatures of different biological issues such as viruses, bacteria and more, Taking care of what has happened during our journeys as souls often brings immediate or very fast changes in our current lives. I have so many stories about what has happened during sessions I wish I had time to tell them.
I love working with everyone more than I have words to say. I haven’t raised my sessions fees in 12 years. With everything happening in our world and beyond, rising prices have begun to affect me too. So much so that I must go with the flow. I have kept everything as reasonable as I can. I have a new offering since so many have been asking if they can just have a conversation with me, I am opening up time in my schedule to do so. These are offered as hourly time slots conversations during which you can ask whatever you desire, well mostly. This is a new frontier so we will evolve with it together. I’m open to more than an hour if needed. If you feel you require more time I will most likely break it up into 60 minute segments. So more than one. As many as you need.
It is my heart and soul to share my abilities, experiences, healings, readings what I have learned and all things. It is a magical world that is mind bending, effective and accurate. What we can do, how we can be far more than we were aware of and how to take ourselves to the next level to the point that there are no levels only the infinite, sacred and as One are all part of being who we really are. I don’t practice rhetoric, suppositions, imaginings. Instead, I strive to bring everyone to the brink of truth, share it and give great life tools for the greatest outcomes. It is very empowering to say the least, especially once you have learned how to apply what we have shared to everyday life and the magic begins! Yeehaw what a ride and there are no seat belts or OMG bars to hold on with. I can’t wait to work with you this year!
Please MAKE SURE that you are buying the types of sessions you want. Last year I had an unusual number of session change requests. Not that I mind ~ when I have time, but my calendar is laid out for me to give optimally 1000% for each of you. Changing appointment type may result in extended wait times simply because of how I book time. Every session type requires a different skill set as well as kinds of energies. I would rather you wait a little bit and get my best. It’s pretty good!
Click here for more info about my sessions. Please go to to learn how you can work with me and the Masters. If this is for you, it’s easy! Just click the link and follow instructions to order!
My Gratitude sale is my busiest time of the year. We answer everyone in the order they purchase orders. It is a wonderful and exciting time to share with all of you. Please note to keep your emails to a minimum. During the sale we are corresponding with far more people than usual. If you have questions, we promise to get to you as quickly as possible. Since this is a first come, first served situation, extra emails can result you being placed at the end of the line, adding to your wait time.
Please allow us at least 2-3 days for us get back to you once your order is placed. Often there are appointments in progress and we are waiting confirmations. If the dates don’t work for someone ahead of you in line, often we can give that slot to the next people in line. Not everyone reads their emails all of the time so it often takes a little while for us to catch up with them. Thank you in advance for your kindness.
We plan Dr. Meg’s schedule due to appointment type so wait time is determined by how the different appointments fit into her schedule. If you do not receive our emails, first check your spam or junk box. If we aren’t there please tell us. Please let Dr. Meg know that you haven’t heard from us at [hidden email]. Please USE THIS EMAIL ADDRESS ONLY! We have quite a few email addresses for specific reasons. When appointments emails get sent to those it is easy for us to miss them. Thanks so much.
Please note all appointments begin in mid March, 2025.
Please accept the gift of my offerings to you. Also as you do, please read the terms and conditions. Thank you so much! Happy Everything!
Offer ends at midnight March 21st, 2025.
Session Terms:
- Absolutely no refunds. No Exceptions.
- Please make sure you are ordering the correct session type. Full descriptions here.
- If you go by more than one name (first, last, etc.), please maintain which ever name you prefer, and communicate with us with the same. Thank you so much!
- Please direct all correspondence regarding sessions to me at appointments at [hidden email].
- Appointments will be on a first come first serve basis. I expect them to begin in the last half of March. Don’t wait to book usually the year fills up fast!
- IMPORTANT! Ok to share with a friend or family or to give as gifts. We are delighted to provide gift certificates if you desire. Just make sure that if you share a purchase, that the person you are sharing with will love to work with me, and is aware of the session also I understand that some are holidays gifts and am ok as long as I know we need to make changes. Sometimes gifting with wonderful intentions can go unappreciated. If a session you wanted to gift doesn’t work out I will be happy to transfer it to you for a later date. Please make sure that the recipient of your amazing gift also fills out a session form and indicates who’s name the purchase was under. If I don’t recognize or can’t find that name on my order list it creates a lot of extra work chasing them down. Thanks for that.
- Appointments are not interchangeable - i.e. readings and healing sessions; please order carefully. We are using a different booking system this year to take care of the volume and we need to count on what we book to make it work.
- Gift Certificates are good for one year - buyer is responsible for making sure appointments scheduled with us in due time.
- We will confirm your session bookings as soon as we receive the form back from you. We will remind you the week before your appointment as well.
Please keep your communications with me to a minimum. I have some who send emails of every thought they have, every question too. If you tend to do that please oh please keep a running list of your questions and send to me as one message. It is my busiest time, and interruptions can lead to mistakes. I want everything to be perfect for you and me too!
No shows are considered to be completed appointments and no credit will be given for a later appointment. We are happy to assist in rescheduling with available appointments if necessary and if you request to be rebooked at least one week prior to our scheduled time. We understand that emergencies happen so please advise if something happens so that we don’t count you as a no show.
- You can buy as many as you want and book them out as you please. Just let me know how far apart you would like them. Appointments will be spread out for greatest effectiveness. If you have a preference about how far apart you want your sessions please include that info in the form you will receive, thanks.
3 Session Combo!
One of each type (Reading, Healing, & Living Light Attunement)
normally $1250 gratitude special is $850
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3 Session Combo!
Any combination of Healings and/or Readings
(3 sessions total)
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Big Discount! Mega Package!
Pay for three and one comes free! one of everything!! One healing, one Reading, one Living Light Initiation and one Healing with past lives (average 3-5 hours)
usually $2000 for all four now $1795
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One hour one on one with Dr. Meg, your choice of topics. Buy as many hours as you desire! $400 per hour (sorry no discounts with this one) for the most part conversation appointments will be booked in one hour increments so if you have in-depth topics that you want to explore we will do so an hour at a time. Please note that these are not sessions as described above, nor are they classes. Instead I am making time for you to ask me whatever you would like to know.
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2 Session Combo!
One Reading and one Healing
2 Sessions for $400.
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Great Discount!Past Life combined with deep healing Sessions
(so sorry I cannot do BOGO prices with these they are 3-5 hours)
for $750
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Thank you from my heart for your continued interest and support of my work! This is my thank you to you!
Happy Holidays! Love and Blessings to you,
Readings are channeled by Dr. Meg with the Ascended Masters. Those coming through dependant upon the information that is required for your assistance and intentions at the time. For readings, you or your loved ones will call Dr. Meg at the agreed time. We will provide you with a confirmation and phone number closer to the time of your appointment. Sessions are approximately one hour in duration, depending upon the number of questions that are asked. We request that you have a list of questions ready for your session, that you be on a land line or other dependable phone. We sincerely and avidly request that if possible you do not call from a cell phone.
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In a healing session you, or the person I am working on is being addressed holistically, accessing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects and energy fields inter-dimensionally, creating change toward the issues you have requested assistance with. Healing has many forms and faces and may be applied to life situations, self awareness, positive change or physical issues. Results are entirely dependent upon your acceptance and willingness for the expansion of this work. These sessions are about an hour in duration and based upon information that you will send to us as well as intuitive information given to Dr. Meg during the session. Please send your list of concerns and healing requests at least one week prior to out session. Dr. Meg will phone after the session and send a transcript to you via e-mail.
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Before you were a soul you were an integral part of the living light. As creation organized, your soul was born. Within that construct became your individual coding, comprised of living light symbols that are you through eternity. Each symbol is a living thing, not pronounceable in our world but in the book of Names of our Father, God, Creator. As our lives are lived we make choice and those choices keep us on track with our original coding which changes it over time. When that happens we may forget our way home. The Living Light Sessions reattune you to the very instance your soul was born, recoding you so that never again will you lose your way home. You become One with All things without errors that keep you aside from your journey. This is the MOST powerful, sweetest gentlest session Dr. Meg offers. After Dr. Meg began performing these sessions, she found full information in a series of ancient texts called the Nag Hammadi Gospels that were found in Quam Ran in the 1940’s. In the Gospel of truth, the symbols and their importance as the original language of Creator, our Father, is described in full. This is the most ancient Rite. Full information can be found here.
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Past life combined with healing is a 3-5 hour session and into the infinite. It brings forward immeasurable info and results. This selection seriously in-depth and comes with a full transcript of your session. Deep Healing including intricate examination of your soul journeys and how things that happened at other times continue to affect us considerably. It is mind blowing to realize just how much our past lives continue to affect us currently. More so, how simple some repairs can be yet have staggering results. I will enter into your soul’s history and once I identify historic events and experiences that are currently messing up life and its quests causing issues that get in the way of everything, or certain things to get you clear for much more successful and fantastic now’s.