To unravel the mysteries you must simply accept that they exist
Sometimes the wisdom is found not in words, not in actions, but in the silence
To seek with your mind is to attempt to quantify that which is immeasurable
We cannot know anything new until we realize that it is possible
How high we can fly is completely dependent upon our willingness to take off
In the Light there are no shadows to hide behind only brilliant truth
Asking indicates that you do not believe in what you intend.
There are no mistakes, only opportunities to do something different next time
Any expectations limit what could have been infinite possibilities for the outcome
Self judgment is our way of delaying recognition of our best attributes
Listen deeply beyond the words and into the truth
The mark of true intelligence is the wisdom that silently guides it
Wisdom isn't based on how much you comes from what you do with it.
A little chaos now and then serves to shake us out of our comfortable discomfort
The question isn't if we live a long life but if we choose to live it at all
Self deception is destructive to your experience.
Self sabotage is our way of saying we aren’t worth it
L. I. F. E. Living intentionally for Excellence
Listen inward for it is there the truth resides
An edited life isn't much fun. Live largely.
Completion is not to be grieved, but instead celebrated as a gateway to what comes
Integrity is far more than telling the truth. It is living it.
Questions cannot be answered until we live them
The immensity of everything is only as big as we make it
Equilibrium is a big word for having found inner balance and maintained it.
The only limits one has are those which are self imposed.
Regret means never having said you are sorry. Speak now or carry it forever.
what one does not experience one does not benefit from.
What if we stopped saying what if and started realizing what is?
When we are not diligent now, we are forced to clean up larger messes later
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.